Friday, 19 June 2009

The end of a Forum

Today - roughly - is the last day the Forum Requests Forum will appear on our First Class desktops, where it has been dwelling since 1996. Here's some flowers to put on its beseeching grave, from the yellow bit of the garden.

Non-OU people won't know what I'm talking about. Basically, First Class is the conferencing system OUSA and the OU use and it's going to be replaced by Moodle. A few Forums might be temporarily pruned, such as Non-Cuddly Toys.
Most of the real action in First Class takes place on private mail. Most messages get given a kind of address label according to the following scheme.
NORMAL - it's quite rare to get this.
PERSONAL - this is usually a love letter of some kind.
URGENT - this is always a love letter of some kind.
PRIORITY HATE MAIL - this is common when you've dumped someone.
BULK - this is common if you have put someone in the family way, even if only virtually.
PRIVATE - this is some kind of Danish magazine sent to all OUSA activists.

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