Monday, 29 June 2009

What do you Frink of this?

Another thing from last week - this is Dame Elisabeth Frink's Walking Madonna (it doesn't though) in front of Salisbury Cathedral.
This is the only female figure she sculpted and she used her own face as a model. Some (=I've just looked it up on the Net) say she is striding purposefully away from the Cathedral out into the world: others that she is careworn and therefore emblematic of maternal suffering.
Modern art - and I would contend much art - is not really about subject-matter but form and so I've done the photo as a kind of play between different spaces and substances. If I were the sculptor here, I'd have a bright blue crystal pyramid complementing rather than opposing the spire, which - at least on a summer's evening - looms like a Saturn V over the silent green spaces surrounding it.


  1. Great pic, Mike. I'm stealing it (if I have permission), but then, it would not be stealing I suppose.

  2. Yep - my policy is that as long as you don't make loads of money out of it, any of the stuff on here is freeware. But I guess copyright law applies whether I like it or not. Or maybe it doesn't as I've just said this. Anyway, see you over on FBF.
