Well the clocks have changed and so from one of the last days of summer is this piccie of the OU's latest student support system.
It seems a long time since the hottest day of the year (Ed: do you have to use so many clichés?) and writing this poem about it.
I'm sitting here, reading the bed.
Sunbeams kind of turn
out wrong when they land
here, on this foreign bed.
I stroke one. My hand is warming up,
paddling through persecutory light.
I'll use the sun to save this love.
One thought of him,
emerges from my breath, sinks.
The little mite falls to sheet,
winces, bounces, fades.
I'll rest now. Head on bed, I'm
not sure what to do with that
angel outside the windows,
so will shut my eyes and
wait to hear its saving words.